Tag Archives: lead generation

3 Models for Gating Lead Generation Content on Your Website

Ask a group of B2B marketers whether their Websites’ lead generation content (white papers, archived Webinars, case studies, videos, etc.) should be gated or not, and you’re likely to hear a wide range of opinions. At one end of the spectrum, there are those that believe gating Web content is… Read More

No Leads from Social Media? No Excuses.

In a recent post, the folks over at Silicon Angle applied their usual insightful analysis to the results of an industry survey by marketing automation company Pardot, a survey that reports fully 42 percent of respondents (all B2B Marketers) have failed to generate any leads from their social media campaigns…. Read More

Forget About Hot Leads. It’s Cold Leads that Make the Difference.

When sales teams need marketing to help them make their numbers, the natural response is to go fishing for hot leads. However, as I wrote previously in a white paper on “Lead Recycling,” focusing demand generation activity exclusively on acquiring net new, qualified leads is an expensive proposition for a… Read More

Lead Generation Losing Out to Social Media? Not So Much.

A recent industry study on Lead Management Optimization, conducted by CSO Insights and conducted in partnership with SMEI and Marketo, sheds insight on the relative budget marketing organizations are investing in areas such as lead nurturing, social media, and lead generation. Amongst its findings: • Overwhelmingly, the #1 marketing objective… Read More

Podcast (Part 3): Using Blogs to Generate Leads

In part 3 of my podcast with Steve Farnsworth of Jolt Social Media, we discuss the role of blogs in the lead generation landscape, and the simple steps companies can take to convert their blogs from PR dumping grounds to a key part of their demand generation engine. In less… Read More

Quick Tips for Lead Generation Success (Podcast)

With the new year almost upon us, here’s a quick way to increase the effectiveness of your lead generation programs in 2011. Take 7 minutes out of your day to listen to the first part of a podcast I recorded recently with social media expert Steve Farnsworth about trends and… Read More

Gmail Priority Inbox: the Death Knell for Email as Lead Generation?

This month, Google released a new feature called Priority Inbox, designed to help Gmail users better cope with email overload by automatically determining which emails are most important to the recipient. For example, messages sent from people that you typically respond to immediately will receive special attention and preferential placement,… Read More