Tag Archives: Lead Management

Demand Waterfall

The Changing Role of the Demand Waterfall: A Conversation with Terry Flaherty

Terry Flaherty is a Research Director at SiriusDecisions, a B2B marketing veteran, and a respected expert on Demand Generation (or Demand Creation, as SiriusDecisions prefers to call it.) He’s also the acknowledged godfather of the SiriusDecisions Demand Waterfall®, which makes him the person to blame every time your manager asks… Read More

2 step lead followup plan

A Simple 2-Step Technique for Improving Lead Follow Up

In an era when “demand generation” and “content marketing” are virtually synonymous, most B2B sales leads are the result of a prospect downloading or requesting content. However, whereas promoting marketing assets like white papers, ebooks, analyst reports, and the like is an effective way to feed the sales funnel, the… Read More

lead conversion rates

Case Study: Segmentation, New Creative Boosts Lead Conversion Rates by 75%

Sungard® Availability Services™ (Sungard AS) in Wayne, Pennsylvania is a global leader in disaster recovery, business continuity, and managed IT services. Sungard AS runs a highly successful demand generation program, an integrated mix of both online and offline campaigns, to generate a consistent flow of leads to the company’s sales… Read More

Inside Sales & Lead Nurturing

Why is Inside Sales So Scared of Lead Nurturing?

Recent studies tell us that while the adoption of marketing automation technology continues to gain momentum, fewer than 20 percent of marketing executives say that they are fully integrating the technology into their current sales and marketing initiatives. One of the reasons for this under-utilization, and the inability of some… Read More

3 Keys to an Effective Autoresponder Program

Studies show that responding to new sales leads promptly, literally within minutes, can have a dramatic impact on the rate at which those leads are qualified, and the speed at which they convert to opportunities and, ultimately, deals. An effective lead follow-up strategy, therefore, is essential to ensuring that you’re… Read More

Taking Stock of Your Lead Management Process: 5 Key Questions

Key to designing an effective lead nurturing program is taking stock of your current lead management process. By asking the right questions, you’ll not only uncover additional opportunities for improvement, but the information will play a key role in defining critical issues of workflow – for example: segmentation, frequency, and… Read More