Tag Archives: marketo

marketing automation maturity

Survey: Marketing Automation Users Score a “C” in Maturity

Spear Marketing Group has published an informative report detailing results of a survey designed to gauge the maturity of marketing automation deployments within the B2B community. The survey asked marketing operations managers and other B2B marketing executives to rank their current deployment of marketing automation software in 33 separate categories… Read More

email metrics

How to Measure Email Success in 2015: A Call to ROI

No matter what your marketing resolutions this year – more content, better creative, etc. – no improvement matters if you can’t measure it. Since email continues to be a dominant channel for most B2B marketers, let me suggest that a good candidate for #1 on your “to do” list for… Read More

lead conversion rates

Case Study: Segmentation, New Creative Boosts Lead Conversion Rates by 75%

Sungard® Availability Services™ (Sungard AS) in Wayne, Pennsylvania is a global leader in disaster recovery, business continuity, and managed IT services. Sungard AS runs a highly successful demand generation program, an integrated mix of both online and offline campaigns, to generate a consistent flow of leads to the company’s sales… Read More

TrustMap For Mid-Size Companies_TrustRadius

New Marketing Automation Buyer’s Guide Offers Valuable Advice

TrustRadius, an online community designed to help business software users make better product selection, implementation, and usage decisions, just released their first-ever “Buyer’s Guide to Marketing Automation Software.” The 44-page guide is based on 400 in-depth reviews and more than 10,000 comparisons performed by Marketing Automation buyers, and provides a… Read More

Inside Sales & Lead Nurturing

Why is Inside Sales So Scared of Lead Nurturing?

Recent studies tell us that while the adoption of marketing automation technology continues to gain momentum, fewer than 20 percent of marketing executives say that they are fully integrating the technology into their current sales and marketing initiatives. One of the reasons for this under-utilization, and the inability of some… Read More

unsolicited email

In Defense of Unsolicited Email

Over at marketing automation firm Marketo, CEO Phil Fernandez just wrote a full-throated rant against the evils of unsolicited email and purchased email lists used indiscriminately: “How does anyone think that these are sensible emails to send to the CEO of a fast-growing public company? Do they really think that… Read More