Category Archives: B2B Marketing

29 B2B Email Tips Infographic

Infographic: 29 Tips to Improve B2B Email Campaign Performance

An email campaign that fails to perform up to expectations could be failing on any number of fronts. The list could be bad (in which case, no attempted “fix” of the email itself will make that much of a difference.) The offer could be uninspiring, or buried deep in the… Read More

marketing automation decision

Is Marketing Automation Right for Every Company?

For those of us who work in and around the technology every day, it can seem like marketing automation is already pervasive. Industry data tells us something different. Analyst David Raab reports that for companies under $5 Million in revenue, marketing automation penetration is a miserly 5 percent. Even at… Read More

trade show leads

10 Tips for a Successful Trade Show Follow-up Campaign

Research has long suggested that the majority of leads generated by trade shows never receive follow-up by company representatives. A 2010 study concluded that fewer than 70 percent of exhibitors have any formalized plan or process in place for how leads are followed up after the show. In an era… Read More

symantec email campaign

Email Campaign Gets an “A” on Design, “F” on Offer

At first glance, the email below from security solution provider Symantec seems engaging, attractive, and well-designed. And indeed, it is all those things. From a lead generation perspective, however, the campaign is a hot mess. Here’s why: First and foremost, the offer is devoid of value. Witness the first paragraph:… Read More

content marketing

Forrester thinks Content Marketing Isn’t Working – They’re Half Right

Over at Forrester Research, Vice President Laura Ramos recently talked to Advertising Age (“Marketers Still Struggling to Get Results from Content Marketing“) about what she perceives as a general lack of return from the investment so many companies are making in content marketing. It’s a fair characterization to say that… Read More

Sungard AS brand transition campaign

Case Study: How One Tech Company Used Humor to Launch a New Brand

In early 2014, Sungard Availability Services (Sungard AS), a leading provider of managed IT, cloud, and recovery services, announced that it was splitting off as a separate company from SunGard Data Systems Inc. Sungard AS asked its demand generation agency, Spear Marketing Group, to help introduce business prospects within the… Read More