Category Archives: Content marketing

B2B content consumption

New Report: Key Trends in B2B Content Consumption

The lead generation experts at NetLine just released their “2024 State of B2B Content Consumption & Demand Report,” a meaty 38-page guide based on data from more than 6 million content registrations.  Here are the findings that stand out as potentially having the most significance for demand marketers: According to… Read More

survey reports

Why Survey Reports Should be Part of Your Content Plan

At a time when marketing budgets are tightening, surveys and survey reports represent some of the most compelling and cost-effective content a B2B marketer can produce.  Why?  Because a well-crafted survey does all this and more: * builds thought leadership for your brand and helps establish your company as subject… Read More

gated content

In Defense of Gated Content

According to the blogosphere, and based on conversations with clients, there appears to be a movement afoot to free marketing content from the shackles of registration forms and offer everything from white papers to Webinars ungated. Arguments from those who oppose gated content vary, but typically are variations of the… Read More

Have Live Webinars Outlived their Usefulness?

Remember the days when watching your favorite TV show meant being in front of the television at a specific time on a specific day? Even for a boomer like me, those days are a distant memory. Why then, in a world of on-demand, streaming, watch-where-when-and-how-you-like content, do we B2B marketers… Read More

linkedin ads

Why 46 Percent of LinkedIn Ads Fail

Most B2B marketing benchmark reports are completely useless.  That’s because either 1) the results were generated through surveys, which (as any reputable statistician will tell you) causes all sorts of data bias, and/or 2) the data fails to account for the wide variance caused by differences in offer (e.g. webinars… Read More