Category Archives: email marketing

email bots

Email Bots: What They Are, Why They Matter, and How to Stop Them

Congratulations: your last email campaign generated a really high click-through rate.  Or did it? It’s an issue that B2B marketers are experiencing with increasing frequency: open rates and click-through rates that don’t quite match up, typically in the form of an abnormally high “click to open” (CTO) rate.  The culprit?… Read More

email preview text

5 Tips for More Effective Email Preview Text

Email preview text is that line of copy that appears below the subject line in the recipient’s inbox. Preview text renders in different ways depending on the email client (the small screenshot below is from Outlook 2016 on the desktop) but, in many cases – particularly on mobile devices –… Read More

7 Key Principles of B2B Email Creative

1.  What, Why, How. There are three things your email recipient should see almost immediately, and those are: WHAT the offer is, WHY it’s of value, and HOW to get it.  Don’t make the reader hunt or scroll to learn what exactly you want him or her to do, and… Read More

Marin Webinar Invitation

Why this Webinar Invitation Works

One of the real-life campaigns I included in my presentation last week – A Crash Course in B2B Email Creative – at SiriusDecisions Summit in Austin, was this Webinar invitation from Marin Software.  I’ve written often about the dismal state of B2B creative, so it’s good to see at least… Read More

Trends in B2B Email: ABM, Deliverability & Integrated Campaigns

Recently I was interviewed by the folks at Demand Gen Report as part of an article on current trends in email marketing, an article that you can read online here.  With permission, a more complete version of the interview follows: (DGR) What trends are you currently seeing in B2B email… Read More

B2B Creative

Why is No-One Talking About B2B Creative?

This week, I had the pleasure of speaking at the B2B Marketing Exchange (B2BMX) conference on the topic of B2B email creative.  At a conference of more than sixty sessions (by my count), as best I could determine there was exactly one (1) session on anything to do with creative:… Read More

data privacy

Embracing Trust: How Marketers Can Prepare for GDPR 2.0

If your marketing organization is 100 percent GDPR compliant (and if you are, you’re in the minority) you may feel that your data compliance issues are behind you.  Think again.  The GDPR deadline may already be a waning memory, but global data privacy regulations are just getting started. In July… Read More