Category Archives: Lead Management

TechValidate: Marketing Content that Writes Itself

What single hurdle keeps B2B marketers from achieving the best possible results from inbound marketing, social media, and lead nurturing? It’s content. (Or rather, it’s LACK of content.) Without a consistent stream of compelling, original, relevant information to offer, landing pages fail to convert visitors to leads, blogs wither, and… Read More

Implementing Marketing Automation: 2 Biggest Regrets

DemandGen Report just released a report detailing the results of a survey in which they heard from more than 50 executives at organizations who have implemented marketing automation solutions. (You can download a complete copy of the report, sponsored by Manticore Technology, here.) Some of the survey’s conclusions are fairly… Read More

eBook Review: Marketo's Definitive Guide to Lead Nurturing

Do a quick Web search on “lead nurturing” these days, and you’ll find plenty of high-level, strategic content on the “whys” – how nurturing can improve demand generation ROI, increase conversion rates, accelerate sales cycles, recycle long-discarded prospects, etc. What’s far less common and much needed, however, is practical advice… Read More

Why Free Trial Offers Aren’t Always the Best Choice

There’s a great article (and not just because I’m quoted) in this week’s Demand Generation Report describing how marketers are actively seeking alternatives to the free trial offer. As I say in the article, free trials have become popular – too popular, in my opinion – as offers, because they’re… Read More

Lead Gen: Don’t Go for the Quick Sale

Here’s an interesting post by Mike Damphousse of Green Leads that I found through Funnelholic (thanks Craig) on how lead nurturing impacts the effectiveness of calling campaigns designed to secure qualified sales appointments. The conclusion, not surprisingly: that prospects who have been nurtured over time are much more likely (by… Read More

Demandbase: Converting More Web Visitors into Leads

An average conversion rate for a B2B landing page, if you believe the people who claim to measure such things, is around 4 percent. Conversion rates for organic traffic to a corporate Website may be as high as 10 percent or more. But even at those lofty standards, fully 90… Read More