Category Archives: Marketing Agencies

challenging times

How to Approach Demand Gen in Challenging Times

The US business climate is being shaken by events at home and abroad, and (as I write this) no-one knows with certainty – on top of the risk and strain caused by a global pandemic – whether an economic downturn is imminent, or how severe it might be, and for… Read More

remote work

30 Tips for Work-at-Home Marketers

This month there are, very suddenly, thousands, if not millions of marketing professionals working from home, every day, for the first time.  If you’re one of those marketers, your company may or may not have the ready infrastructure or culture that supports remote work.  And you also may not be… Read More

demand gen predictions

6 B2B Demand Gen Predictions for 2020

The rate of change in B2B marketing and marketing technology continues to accelerate, and 2020 promises to be no different. I asked the best subject matter experts I know, my colleagues at Spear Marketing Group, what trends they think will highlight the next 12 months in B2B demand generation. Here’s… Read More

third-party intent data

Do You Want Intent Data with That?

If you could layer third-party intent data into every lead gen program you run, would you do it?  In other words, would you only ever want marketing leads from prospects pre-determined to be actively researching your category, solution, use case, etc.?  My argument: no, you wouldn’t.  I was part of… Read More

Infographic: 90+ Percent of B2B Companies Report Marketing Talent Crunch

A recent survey of B2B companies finds that most are struggling to find and hire marketing talent, particularly in technical roles such as marketing operations.  Results from the survey, conducted by Spear Marketing Group, also concluded that marketers are rapidly adopting a more flexible hiring model, including remote employees, contractors,… Read More

demand creation agencies

Infographic: SiriusDecisions on How to Evaluate Demand Creation Agencies

Just as B2B marketing has evolved rapidly in the last decade, so too have the marketing agencies who service those B2B companies.  In particular, a new breed of agency focused on demand generation (or demand creation) has emerged – these firms tend to be part strategic consultants, part creative agency,… Read More

marketing agency references

Stop Asking Your Marketing Agency for Client References

First, a confession:  I hate providing references.  As one of the principals at a B2B marketing agency, I get asked for them frequently (though not always) by prospective new clients and, quite aside from the hassle of selecting (who have we not asked recently?), contacting, and requesting permission from the… Read More