For most B2B marketers, information offers like white papers, case studies, and analyst reports strike an effective balance between response rate and lead qualification. Compared to a Webinar, for example, they require little time and commitment on the part of the prospect, yet if written, titled, and positioned carefully, can serve to generate leads that are reasonably qualified.
You can expand the appeal of content like these by packaging them into information kits. An information kit, generally speaking, is a compilation of informational content designed to appear to be more than the sum of its parts. By compiling a variety of information as one offer, you appeal to a wider spectrum of prospects for whom an individual white paper or case study may not be sufficient to generate a response.
The following is a recipe for a good information kit. Your particular market may dictate variations, naturally, but this list comprises a variety of information that seems to “cover the bases” well, and more importantly, has proven to be successful for a variety of different B2B clients:
1. A well-written, “business case”-type white paper, not necessarily written by an independent third party, but one that focuses on a particular solution, category or approach, rather than your specific product or service. (See this earlier post for recommendations on what makes an effective white paper.)
2. Some kind of third party validation of your message, preferably either a press review of your product or an analyst’s report on your product category.
3. A real-life case study or success story highlighting your product or service and the ROI your client was able to demonstrate.
4. Information on your product or service.
5. Some kind of multimedia presentation — a podcast, video, or Flash demo about your product or company, anything that helps “spice up” the offer. (Regardless of content, multimedia offers almost always improve response.)
As with white papers, the title of your information kit will serve to increase its appeal and should reflect the intended audience. For example, a more technical audience might be content to request a “Wireless Enterprise Fact Kit,” whereas a more high-level or non-technical manager might be drawn more to “An Executive’s Guide to the Wireless Enterprise.” Information kits give you the flexibility to position your content directly to the intended audience, even if no one component in that kit is tailored exactly for that same group.
This post is adapted from the Spear white paper: “How to Choose Your Carrot: Effective Lead Generation Offers for High-Technology Marketers.”