Category Archives: B2B Marketing

non-responsive leads

How Quickly Should I Suspend or Delete Non-Responsive Leads?

A client asks: How long should a lead be chronically non-responsive before they’re marked as “marketing suspended”?  What best practices should we put in place? There are multiple, legitimate reasons to suspend or even delete non-responsive leads from your mailing lists or CRM database: *  Non-responsive leads can weigh down… Read More

nurture programs

When Should I Stop Nurturing a Lead?

A client asks: “I know the answer is probably “it depends” but curious if you think there’s a best practice for how many follow-up nurture emails to send TOFU content syndication leads before you stop due to non-engagement?” My response: We typically design nurture programs for inbound leads like content… Read More

Marketing Success & the Accident of Timing

An old boss once commented: “75% of marketing is just being in the right place at the right time.” You can quibble with the percentage, but, overall, she had a point.  For more companies than not, marketing success is rarely about convincing a given individual, on a given day, to… Read More

18 Common Features of a Best-in-Class Lead Nurture Program

It wasn’t that long ago, when marketing automation first burst on the scene, that the height of lead nurture sophistication was the simple, automated sending of multiple, sequential emails. Today, advances in marketing technology make such “automation” seem laughably basic. Modern, best-in-class lead nurture programs focus less on automation, and… Read More