Category Archives: Campaign Strategy

3 Ways to Make Your Corporate Blog’s Sidebar Work Harder

Want a simple way to have your corporate blog show measurable results? Take a hard look at your sidebar. Here are 3 techniques guaranteed to make an impact: 1. Promote subscriptions prominently. Capturing new subscribers is one of the most efficient ways to convert random visitors into loyal readers that… Read More

Webinar Invitations: Sell the Event, Not the Product

Easily the #1 mistake that tech companies make when promoting Webinars is that they forget that they’re selling an event. In order for a prospect or customer to register for your event, it’s critical that your email invitation convince him/her that the benefits of attending the Webinar make the investment… Read More

Information Kits: Packaging Offer Content for Higher Response

For most B2B marketers, information offers like white papers, case studies, and analyst reports strike an effective balance between response rate and lead qualification. Compared to a Webinar, for example, they require little time and commitment on the part of the prospect, yet if written, titled, and positioned carefully, can… Read More

Does Renting Email Lists Make Sense Any More?

I wrote recently in this space about the resurgence of direct mail as a viable outbound component to an integrated demand generation strategy. Most of that resurgence is due to the benefits of using direct mail on its own merits, but there’s another factor: the greatly diminished effectiveness of rented… Read More

Not Another Article About How to Market During a Recession

No, nothing of the sort. But let’s face it – times are tight, budgets are tighter, and companies we talk to are all looking for ways to make their marketing investment go further. Here then, are some recommendations for how and where to spend today’s demand generation dollars for greatest… Read More

11 Questions to Help Evaluate Your Demand Generation Plan

Jon Miller at Marketo wrote an interesting post (“Demand Generation Quiz: How Good Are You?”) for his blog this week that featured 14 questions designed to help determine whether a company is ripe for marketing automation. There’s some great material here, particularly for marketers trying to build a business case… Read More

Brand vs. Direct: Who Wins?

Anne Holland of Marketing Sherpa, someone for whom I have a great deal of respect, says brand should win, every time: My response to Anne: “Brand should always win …”? As a dyed-in-the-wool A/B tester, I respectfully say: absolutely not. What’s the purpose of an effective brand if not to… Read More