Category Archives: Demand Generation

2011 B2B Marketing Outlook, According to Google

Our agency recently developed a report summarizing the results of a B2B marketing survey commissioned by Google and conducted by research company Ipsos OTX. In the survey, more than 600 B2B marketing executives answered questions about their budgets, marketing mix, and key challenges for 2011. You can access a complete… Read More

Podcast (Part 2): Does Inbound Marketing Make Sense For Your Company?

In part 2 of my podcast with Steve Farnsworth of Jolt Social Media, we discuss the shift from outbound to inbound marketing: what works and why. In under 10 minutes, you’ll learn: • the most effective demand generation vehicles in today’s digital environment • inbound or outbound – what makes… Read More

Quick Tips for Lead Generation Success (Podcast)

With the new year almost upon us, here’s a quick way to increase the effectiveness of your lead generation programs in 2011. Take 7 minutes out of your day to listen to the first part of a podcast I recorded recently with social media expert Steve Farnsworth about trends and… Read More

21 Tips & Other Impressions from the Marketo User Summit

Earlier this week, Marketo, the marketing automation company, held its second ever user conference in San Francisco. As a Marketo agency partner, I attended along with colleagues from Spear Marketing Group to greet clients, talk shop, and hear how other companies – including Marketo themselves – are putting technology to… Read More

Q4 Marketing Budget: 4 Key Areas to Consider

In B2B circles, Q4 is historically a time of year when marketing spend picks up. Sales teams need the push to meet year-end numbers, whilst at other companies, spending marketing dollars in Q4 is simply a matter of “use it or lose it.” Even with the recession now officially over,… Read More

5 Ways To Incorporate Direct Mail Into Your Marketing Mix

Pop Quiz! Direct Mail is: a) more expensive than email b) quaintly old-fashioned c) regaining popularity in B2B circles d) often overlooked as an effective way to reach customers and prospects. Answer: (e) all of the above. Yet many B2B marketers continue to be allergic to the idea of using… Read More

Are Webinars too Popular?

Last week I was interviewed by BtoB Magazine for an article, “Webinars: Are They Worth It?” that appeared online today. The article contains some valuable insights on where Webinars fit in today’s B2B demand generation mix, and is definitely worth a read. As always, however, only a fraction of my… Read More