Category Archives: Offer Strategy

SEM offer strategy

Expand your Offer Strategy to Increase SEM Performance

In an era when the average business buyer only contacts a brand when he/she is 67 percent through the buying process, there’s every reason to make sure that you’re reaching prospective customers at every stage of their research, not just when they’re ready to buy. Otherwise, when buyers finally do… Read More

demand generation content

Infographic: Top 10 Types of Demand Generation Content

Choosing the right content offer for a demand generation campaign isn’t simply about aligning that content with a particular buying persona. Some content types are best-suited for early stage offers, while others will only appeal to those buyers in the very latter stages of the buying cycle. Whether you’re focused… Read More

ready to buy

How Do We Find People Who Are Ready to Buy Our Product?

A prospective client asks: “What are the best demand generation strategies for finding people who are ready to buy our product?” My response: Finding highly-qualified, late-stage prospects has less to do with demand generation channels or tactics, and much more to do with content. For example, if you offer prospects… Read More

holiday email campaign

Why This Holiday Email Campaign Misses the Mark

It’s that time of year again, and B2B marketers everywhere are dusting off the usual holiday clichés in an attempt to weave good cheer into their demand generation campaigns. Take the email campaign below from security vendor Symantec. Sure, they can be forgiven the holiday theme (gift boxes, fir trees,… Read More

Allocadia ebook

Email Critique: When a Good Offer Just Isn’t Enough

Here’s a list of the things I love most about the email below from Allocadia, a Vancouver, BC-based developer of Marketing Performance Management (MPM) software: 1. The offer image. Yeah, that’s about it. Seriously though, that is one gorgeous white paper. It’s visually stunning, professional, colorful, even the title is… Read More

how to write a better content syndication abstract

How to Write a Better Content Syndication Abstract

When planning a content syndication campaign, most B2B marketers tend to focus their energy primarily on 1) selecting the right media partner(s) and 2) selecting the right content to promote. Abstracts (the short descriptions that accompany content online) are often an afterthought. However, a well-written abstract can make an enormous… Read More

sales email tips

Steal This Technique for Your Next Sales Email

One of the basic rules of good, direct marketing copywriting is that a call to action should always be specific. In other words, it’s always better to present the reader with a very precise, preferably tangible reason to respond. So, for example: “Click to download our free white paper” is… Read More